Saturday, February 20, 2010

Opposite of Fat. Skinny.

Skinny. Skinny seems to be the status that every person ultimately in their lives will strive achieve no matter how much deprivation and self-loathing is involved. Usually the thing that sets off the skinny chase is an event. An event like a birthday, a reunion, a wedding, reading the celebrity tabloids, or a morning struggle with a sweater that miraculously shrunk over night (or so it seemed). The trigger event starts a series of thoughts, behaviors, and irrational decisions all focused on dropping a tonnage of pounds so that no one can refer to you as an elephant any longer.

The truth about being skinny is not a fast metabolism or a genetic anomaly but it is more of a recognition that you are in control of your body for the most part. Remember – there will always be exceptions. Skinny is relative. In fact – there are even people who are referred to as “Skinny Fats.” A nickname given to individuals who in visual appearance pass the “skinny” test but upon further physical inspection are not even close to being healthier than their larger counterparts.

Just as an overweight person can be considered “fit,” a skinny person can be considered “fat.” Hmm, interesting if I do say so myself. Further – it reveals something even more curious about classifying someone into a category based on their size rather than their health and how they take care of themselves. Revealing that there is much more to the psychology behind dieting, health, and weight maintenance than what meets the eye.

So is the opposite of fat, skinny? Skinny Fats.

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